December 6, 2017

Leap Into Action with a Jumping Saddle

Making sure you have the right footwear is an important part of any event, and the same applies to choosing the correct horse saddle and equestrian equipment. Much like how you wouldn’t wear high heels for a sprint when jumping with your horse you should use a proper jumping saddle, and here’s why.

Balance and posture

In the early 20th century an Italian cavalry officer, Federico Caprilli, developed his own theories and techniques for horse riding and jumping. One of his main proposals was the idea of the forward seat, or having the rider sit with their torso angled forward, by shortening the stirrup leathers. The purpose of this was to keep the rider’s weight over the horse’s centre of balance while jumping, allowing the horse to jump freely.

The modern jumping horse saddle has evolved to achieve these ideals. The stirrup bars on jumping saddles are placed further forward to assist in achieving a forward seat. Aside from the correct stirrup positioning, another major benefit of a proper jumping saddle is that due to its flatness, it allows the rider to adopt different seating positions, which helps to keep you stable and comfortable while both riding and jumping.

Stability and safety

Another great feature of the modern jumping horse saddle is the extra safety and stability granted by the knee rolls. Along with a deeper seat, the knee rolls are generally larger and more supportive, which provides greater security, especially during jumps. Because your knees are tucked in against and slightly under the knee rolls they help to keep you from lifting out of the seat without having to grip the horse too tightly or obstructing your following of the horse’s jumping motion.

Better contact with the horse

One of the most important aspects of horse riding that needs to be enhanced by equestrian equipment is its contact with the horse. If your horse is uncomfortable the only way it can tell you is through the way in which it acts and moves. If it is stiff and stubborn, that’s a bad sign. If you can feel the horse’s shoulders come up and its back relaxing under you, you know it’s comfortable. The better your contact the more of the horse’s muscle movement you can feel while riding, so you can feel if everything is going well and remain in tune with your horse.

Being correctly seated and safe while being in proper contact with your horse is key to any riding discipline, especially so for jumping. If you need professional help or advice regarding equestrian equipment and horse saddles in Johannesburg, contact Trident Saddlery.